
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Tuesday turnaround

Parliament was doing what it loves best today and talking about itself.

For the past two years we have experimented with new "family friendly" hours. Actually the hours are only family friendly if your family is based in London and the consequence of the changes has been to try and fit more into a shorter working day.

The Modernisation committee produced a report claiming that the new hours had been a success and recommended that they be adopted permanently.
MPs had other ideas so a motion was placed suggesting that we revert to the old hours on a Tuesday and keep the new hours on a Wednesday. There was actually a reasonable majority of MPs voting for the later hours and some of these had originally voted for the earlier finish.

I am sure that the public will think we are mad but I knew I worked more effectively under the old pattern and if that is the same for the majority of MPs then I think we should adopt the hours that are most conducive to that.