
Monday, February 21, 2005

It pains me to say this

I thought the Conservative hopeful had declared that there would be no personal attacks? This is to be welcomed but it is a shame that there was not a similar commitment to being honest and not misrepresenting the Lib Dem policies. No such luck as there has been some very scurrilous literature produced recently. If you have received something from the Tories that you find hard to believe then it probably isn't true so get in touch with us and we will tell you the truth!

As the old saying goes, "If they continue to lie about us we will continue to tell the truth about them"

Oh - and is there a definition of a personal attack? In a recent leaflet there is a silly statement "What has Sandra Gidley done about MRSA?" - implying that I have not done anything. Strange thing is that I have taken up a lot of individual cases, been into the local general hospital to discuss the matter with infection control team and spent the morning going round making suggestions (informal feedback from people who actually work in the hospital tells me that this had a positive effect). On top of that I'm a founder officer of the new All Party Patient Safety Group. I will admit that I have not been in, donned my marigolds and scrubbed the hospital from top to bottom but that is not really the best use of an MPs time.

Is it too much to ask that the Conservatives clarify this in their next leaflet?

I had expected better but people always tell me that I am too willing to see the good in people....